Employee Spotlight: Diana Toruno, Site Manager
Posted on July 27, 2020 in Careers

What do you like most about working at Accumet?
I love the people the most. This includes my managers as well as my co-workers. I love how we consistently work together as a team with equal measures of collaboration and camaraderie to accelerate the manufacturing process for our customers. There is no dissension. We make it a point to share our expertise. This is because we all focus on the end-result, which is to improve processes. This is important to realize. Because of this, we all remain united on a common path towards excellence. There is a tremendous amount of forethought and fine-tuning involved in everything we do. This is critical in our goal of always adapting and enhancing our capabilities as we are always striving for technical excellence. We always stay true to our mission to uphold our role as a valued partner to our customers.
Tell us about your career path at Accumet? What positions have you held during your time with Accumet?
I started working at Accumet approximately 5 years ago in our processing department. My job was cleaning and packing up parts after the laser operation. Four months later, I moved to the role of Laser Operator within our Ceramic Department. Within my time in this department I grew to where I was setting up jobs as well as simply running them. Eventually I moved to the role of QA Inspector where I learned even more about our measurement equipment. From here, I was promoted to Engineering Assistant where I was assisting with laser programming. From here, I moved to our lapping and polishing facility in the role of Technical Support. I was asked to manage a few developmental projects. Management apparently liked my work because I was promoted to the role of Site Manager.
Tell us about your current role at Accumet. What does a typical day look like for you?
I oversee all staff at our lapping and polishing facility. If a question or issue arises on the floor during the day, I am ultimately responsible for resolving it. This includes all aspects of the manufacturing process, from kitting the material, to manufacturing, to inspection, to shipping. If there is a problem on the floor, I resolve it. If I see a process that needs to be improved, I modify it. If our supervisor needs assistance, I offer it. The beauty of what I do is that every day is different. This is simply inherent in the manufacturing world. But even with the various challenges and ever-evolving priorities, I will say that I find most days to be motivating. I find it motivational because even though I face new challenges almost daily, I don't find it stressful. I think this is because I work with a wonderful team. These challenges push me to be my best. With every solution, I always gain a new perspective or get a new idea that helps us grow. I enjoy every day and I have opportunities to learn and share with amazing people.
What drew you to Accumet originally? And how has Accumet changed since?
I originally came to Accumet because I have 2 family members who work here. Both told me it was a great place to work and both thought I would like it. They were absolutely right. I wanted to work for a company where I could grow professionally and improve my future. I wanted to work for a company where I felt valued.
Describe some of your favorite projects completed at Accumet?
There really has been so many. Most recently, I was asked to develop a new process for lapping .003” thk alumina. This is incredibly thin material. Though we had lapped it before, our yield loss was through the roof. I spent quite a bit of time researching and experimenting with various lapping materials, equipment, pressures, etc….Ultimately, I was successful in creating our new lapping process for extremely thin materials. We now proudly tout our capability to routinely and consistently lap .003'' thk 99.6% alumina to within ± .00025”. I was proud of this project because I know I personally contributed to the success of this product line.
What does true leadership mean to you?
True leadership means allowing your employees to grow and flourish.
Would you recommend working at Accumet and why?
100% yes! I could not ask for a better employer. Accumet has provided me a lot of opportunity. I have never been told I need to stay within a department or within a certain role because I'm good at it. Instead, I have been rewarded for my hard work. This reward came in the form of opportunity to learn and grow. In addition to my growth within the company, I was also afforded the opportunity to take outside classes and training to grow as an individual. I mean, in 5 short years I have come so far! I can't think of too many other companies where that could happen.
If you could meet anyone living or dead who would it be?
Easy question. I would love to sit and speak with Nick Vujicic. For those who aren't familiar with him, he is a famous inspirational speaker from Australia, known for having founded the ‘Life Without Limbs' establishment. He was born with tetra-amelia which means he was born without fully formed limbs. Despite all the physical challenges he has faced and continues to face, despite years of bullying, he has overcome his disability and is thriving. I love his philosophy. I love how he sees life. Always positive. Never seeing any limitations.
What would you do as a career if you weren't doing this?
An Interior Designer. I love all that there is in terms of interior design. I love to create.
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